Hi-Fi Cali & The Prams - "Attention"
- The Prams are Jesse and Alta Keller, a husband-wife duo from Minneapolis.
- Hi-Fi Cali is a side project of Chris Bartels' Bora York, and he's been exploring different ideas of how to really differentiate the two projects - and featuring and collaborating with other artists and singers for Hi-Fi Cali singles is one way that's been happening.
- The Prams have been releasing a song every month this year - this is August's release.
- Hi-Fi Cali started essentially as an accident - a few random electro songs had been written, and when Bora York was unable to play a live show invite, Chris and drummer Bjorn played these few songs and a couple others, and turned it into a full-on project, experimenting and trying new things with every live show and in the studio with each single.